Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation Introductory Series - 413155

Yoga and Mindfulness Series

$55.00 - $90.00

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Activity Details

Yoga and Mindfulness Series

Meeting Details

Time: 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Days: Tue
Oswald Durant Center
1605 Cameron St
Alexandria, VA, 22314


Ages between 21 through 99
Spring Resident registration
Household Category of Resident.
Spring Non-Resident Registration
Household Category of Non-Resident.
Spring Resident registration
Household Category of Resident.
Spring Non-Resident Registration
Household Category of Non-Resident.
Spring Resident registration
Household Category of Resident.
Spring Non-Resident Registration
Household Category of Non-Resident.

Yoga and Mindfulness Series

Ages 21 & up. Interested in increasing your focus, improving your sleep, and lessening your habitual reactivity and negative rumination in your daily life? Would you like to make a commitment to yourself and these practices with the support of an experienced guide? Join Lisa, Certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT/1,000, E-RYT 500) for a 3 session series especially designed to introduce participants to the practices and tools of mindfulness meditation and therapeutic yoga for stress relief.


Charge When Not Billed:
Adult Classes Classes (Standard Fee): $55.00
Charge When Not Billed:
Adult Classes Classes (Standard Fee): $55.00
Adult Class Class NR (Standard Fee): $35.00
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