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Adult - Spring Coed Soccer League

Ages 18 & up. Kick and Score! Make your workout social by exercising with a team at weekly soccer games. Team roster can include a maximum of nine and minimum of six of either gender. Registration will be available 2/19 - 3/29 and league play is April through July. All teams must submit a completed team roster prior to the first game. Team fees are $895 plus $35 for each nonresident player. For more information, please contact Marvin Elliott at [email protected] or 703.746.5409.
Column #1 Dates Description Price Column #5
Unavailable 04/30/2024 -06/05/2024 Adult - Spring Coed Soccer League $895.00/$895.00

Adult - Spring Coed Softball League (Monday)

Ages 18 & up. Lights on! Grab some friends for some fun recreational play where each player bats every inning. To register, complete roster form found online at alexandriava.gov/Recreation for maximum of 9 and minimum of 6 of either gender. Registration: 2/19 -3/29.League
Play: April - July 2024. Team fees are $555 plus $35 for each nonresident player. For more information, please contact Marvin Elliott at [email protected] or 703.746.5409.
Column #1 Dates Description Price Column #5
Unavailable 04/22/2024 -06/24/2024 Adult - Spring Coed Softball League (Monday) $555.00/$555.00

Adult - Spring Coed Softball League (Wednesday)

Ages 18 & up. Lights on! Grab some friends for some fun recreational play where each player bats every inning. To register, complete roster form found online at alexandriava.gov/Recreation for maximum of 9 and minimum of 6 of either gender. Registration: 2/19 -3/29. League Play: April - July 2024. Team fees are $555 plus $35 for each nonresident player. For more information, please contact Marvin Elliott at [email protected] or 703.746.5409.
Column #1 Dates Description Price Column #5
Unavailable 04/08/2024 -06/12/2024 Adult - Spring Coed Softball League (Wednesday) $555.00/$555.00

Adult - Spring Coed Volleyball League (Team Registration)

Ages 18 & up. Bump Set Spike! Make your workout social by exercising with a team at weekly volleyball games. To register, complete roster form found online at alexandriava.gov/Recreation for maximum of 6 and minimum of 4 of either gender. Registration: 2/19 -3/29.League Play: April - July 2024.Register by team. Team fees are $555 plus $35 for each nonresident player. For more information, please contact Marvin Elliott at [email protected] or 703.746.5409.
Column #1 Dates Description Price Column #5
Unavailable 04/16/2024 -07/09/2024 Adult - Spring Coed Volleyball League (Team Registration) $555.00/$555.00